Worth-it Positive Education is a Community Interest Company supporting schools, settings and organisations across the UK and internationally to improve children and young people's wellbeing, build resilience and provide early intervention programmes that help prevent the onset of mental health problems.
We provide consultancy, training and programmes that promote wellbeing and build resilience for young people. Our support for schools, settings, and organisations develops the workforce through training teachers and practitioners to use wellbeing and resilience resources and our targeted support programmes. Our Positive Psychology informed support is practical, and sustainable helping partners with the 'how' to do it as well as the 'what' to do to prevent the onset of mental health problems in children and young people.
November 1, 2024
November 1, 2024
October 31, 2024
Our Certified Coach Training courses provide you with the skills, knowledge and practice to coach the young people you work with and support to improve their wellbeing. Join us to become a Certifed Worth-it Coach and support the young people you work with through positive psychology coaching. Find out more and apply now!
The Wellbeing Insights newsletter is a weekly blog notification email - with a little extra thought-provoking information to boot. It keeps you in the loop so you don’t miss out on how to support the young people you work with, helping them to develop wellbeing and prevent the onset of mental health problems.
Our peer support programme for young people equips them to be Wellbeing Ambassadors within their school or setting. The Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme establishes and supports an empowered team of young people to become leaders of wellbeing and mental health initiatives for their peers.
Our Wellbeing Club for School Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads enables you to feel confident and encouraged, empowering you to plan, promote and lead whole-school wellbeing and positive mental health. We help you learn how to develop sustainable whole school wellbeing that will make a big difference to preventing mental health problems in your school or college.
Accessing the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit provides school mental health leads and school leaders with a practical evidence-based resource toolkit and online training programme that supports teacher wellbeing, develops positive mental health and reduces staff stress.
Learn more about targeted support and early intervention for mental health and how it helps prevent the onset of mental health problems in children and young people.
Learn more how Senior Mental Health Leads support the development of wellbeing and reduce the impact of mental health problems in schools.
Learn more about Positive Education - the approach we use to develop wellbeing in schools and provide early intervention for the prevention of mental health problems.
We specialise in building wellbeing in schools, through promoting positive mental health in pupils, staff and school communities and through a whole school approach that prevents mental health problems.
Our services and programmes for organisations and settings provide evidence-based approaches to develop positive mental health, wellbeing and prevent mental health problems for children and young people.
We partner with health and local authority commissioners to deliver evidence-based, cost-effective mental health and wellbeing early intervention and prevention programmes, training and packages of support.