The Wellbeing Academy is an online learning platform that increases capacity to support the development of positive mental health and wellbeing in children and young people.
Our Wellbeing Academy provides a wealth of online wellbeing resources based on applied positive psychology and coaching approaches made accessible to use with children and young people. Accessing the online platform enables you to learn how to use these wellbeing resources in practical ways that help you feel more confident and able to support children and young people to improve their wellbeing and resilience.
Our programmes provide access to:
The Wellbeing Academy has been developed to increase capacity within the child and adolescent workforce to prevent mental health problems developing in children and young people. Individuals or teams of practitioners can gain access to the resources and online learning inside the Academy with a personalised log-in.
Current members include: Senior Mental Health Leads, School Leaders, Youth Workers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Support Workers, Children's or Public Health Nurses, Youth Coaches and Mentors, Multi Agency Teams and many more.
Over 12 years working with children, young people and schools we developed a whole toolkit of practical and accessible positive psychology resources and techniques that improve wellbeing. This combined with over a decade of experience delivering training in schools and with the children’s workforce made us realise there was a need to develop ways for people to access our resources and training online.
During 2020/21, we developed a bespoke online learning platform to make our approach accessible to as many people as possible, meaning we can meet our social mission of helping prevent the onset of mental health problems for children and young people nationally and internationally.
Take a sneak peak behind the scenes of Wellbeing Academy and see how it works.
Empower children or young people to develop positive mental health and wellbeing.
Enable children and young people to develop personal resources for wellbeing and resilience.
Increase capacity in their role or setting to improve wellbeing.
Help prevent the onset of mental health problems earlier for many children and young people.
Are looking for a quick fix.
Are focused on a deficit based approach.
Sees mental health problems as needing a purely clinical approach.
Want to pass the buck to other agencies and not contribute to being the solution.
Has fear or stigma around mental health problems and their role in supporting the needs of children and young people.
Our academy provides a platform for you to gain the necessary tools and knowledge to make tangible and positive changes in your school or setting, starting today. Join our supportive community and embark on a journey towards greater wellbeing.
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