Accessing the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit provides school mental health leads and school leaders with a practical evidence-based resource toolkit and online training programme that supports teacher wellbeing, develops positive mental health and reduces staff stress.
Join nowThis online train-the-trainer toolkit takes a proactive approach to addressing stress within teaching and school staff. You learn how to use our approach yourself with simple evidence based tools, practical resources and staff wellbeing activities.
The programme has been developed for school leaders, mental health and wellbeing leads or HR staff to gain practical training in how to reduce staff stress and improve teacher wellbeing through using our downloadable wellbeing resources with colleagues and staff teams.
Your teachers or school staff are struggling to cope with stress.
The demands of working in a high pressure educational environment is negatively impacting staff performance.
Pressure and stress are impacting on staff's ability to work effectively with others including pupils or students.
Your staff are finding it a challenge to manage or maintain work/life balance.
You have high levels of stress-related staff absence or sickness.
Poor staff wellbeing is having an impact on performance, teaching and learning.
Through learning from the field of positive psychology and work psychology, the downloadable toolkit of teacher wellbeing resources helps you feel confident to share practical wellbeing activities and strategies with your school staff, teachers and teams.
Joining the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit provides you with 5 hours of flexible online training modules, additional CPD workshops and a bank of practical wellbeing activities that help you plan, develop and embed wellbeing into your school workplace.
Through sharing the techniques and strategies proven to build wellbeing in this toolkit, staff will discover and develop an understanding of personal wellbeing and how to build it. The online learning helps you embed these approaches in your school.
Understanding how to use the occupational, positive psychology and coaching strategies, in this toolkit will help you build staff awareness of stressors and how to reduce their impact on teachers and better manage and reduce stress.
Sharing as a team is the first step to building positive relationships that help manage stress and develop wellbeing. Our programme provides practical wellbeing activities that facilitate conversations that support staff to build personal wellbeing resources.
The resources, online learning, CPD workshops and ongoing support help you to feel able to plan, develop and lead an embedded school staff/teacher wellbeing strategy for your school or college.
The use of wellbeing strategies and resources shared in this programme help contribute to the reduction of staff and teacher burnout and improve work life balance for all school staff.
Learn ways to encourage staff to build wellbeing habits and increase personal responsibility for taking care of their own wellbeing is developed through this programme, and is encouraged a sustainable approach to staff wellbeing.
Worth-it have been working with schools for over a decade, supporting them to develop staff and whole school wellbeing. We have trained over 4000 school staff in hundreds of schools nationally. We believe in putting staff wellbeing at the heart of any whole school approach to wellbeing and mental health for pupils.
We are passionate about increasing sustainable and embedded capacity for school staff to maintain wellbeing levels, enabling staff to support pupil wellbeing and achievement more effectively. Find out how The Staff Wellbeing Toolkit meets our organisational values...
We believe in providing resources and programmes that create a real and sustainable change. As part of the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit we coach you through several practical positive psychology activities that enable you to support your staff to develop individual and team wellbeing strategies.
Our Staff Wellbeing Toolkit has been developed by a team of positive psychologists, work psychologists and wellbeing coaches utilising up-to-date research and applied practice. The progamme will build your awareness of how to support school staff develop personal and team wellbeing.
The Staff Wellbeing Toolkit has evolved from six years of extensive partnership work with schools, teachers, school staff and leaders. We use a coaching approach during our programme to ensure you feel able to help staff collaborate and build positive relationships necessary for wellbeing.
We help you feel confident to empower others. Most importantly, the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit has been developed with and for school staff, teachers, TAs and school leaders, giving them confidence to develop personal wellbeing strategies to support themselves, each other and team wellbeing.
Our ongoing CPD and training provides you with validated CPD points which enable you to maintain your membership or work towards further coach accreditation with the ACCPH.
The toolkit provides coaching resources and colleagues you can use with colleagues to plan, develop and embed your school approach to managing stress and improving wellbeing.
Sharing ideas and advice with others, as a team, builds the foundation of positive relationships necessary to develop staff and teacher wellbeing.
Wellbeing isn’t a one size fits all approach. The staff wellbeing toolkit supports you to help staff to identify their own personalised strategies for wellbeing.
The Staff Wellbeing Toolkit explicitly covers strategies for stress awareness and management from work psychology which helps you plan a stress management strategy and build a bank of wellbeing resources for teachers and school staff.
Staff Wellbeing is integral to a whole school approach. Good staff wellbeing increases schools’ capacity to support children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health more effectively.
The train-the-trainer aspect to this programme teaches schools to be able to develop their own tailored staff wellbeing interventions, meaning they can be developed and sustained overtime to meet teacher and staff needs and not rely on external trainers or consultants.
Our whole school system for positive mental health offers a step-by-step process, enabling you to audit, plan and take action in developing your whole school approach. This has been developed from positive psychology, organisational psychology, and practical experience of working with schools for 12 years. Wellbeing is facilitated through interactions and connections – this is why our system framework places staff and teacher wellbeing at the centre of the whole school approach.
By supporting staff wellbeing you are increasing your school’s capacity to support pupil and student wellbeing.
Positive education is the science of wellbeing applied in educational settings.
Worth-it are a leading provider of Positive Education in the UK. We base all our programmes on the SEARCH Pathways to Wellbeing (Waters and Loton 2019). SEARCH provides a proven and evidence-based framework that supports schools to plan, implement, develop and embed sustainable approaches to developing whole school wellbeing.
Like our programmes for children and young people, the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit is also based on the SEARCH framework, contributing to a shared framework for developing staff and pupil wellbeing across the school setting.
Coaching psychology is the evidence-based approach to using coaching to improve wellbeing, performance, and success. Coaching has been proven to be the most effective leadership and staff training development tool within the education sector.
Coaching has been demonstrated by many psychology researchers to be the most effective form of CPD for the development of staff wellbeing, stress management and performance.
Learn how to develop practical and sustainable approaches to staff and school wellbeing.
Join our Staff Wellbeing Toolkit by simply choosing your payment option below.
CEO & Founder
Liz is the CEO, Founder and Creative Director at Worth-it and is a leading Positive Psychologist and Educator. She has been developing evidence-based, co-produced early prevention programmes for young people within schools, the NHS and local authorities for over 13 years.
Not only does our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme provide your school or setting with everything needed to deliver the programme, year after year, it also provides ongoing support and practical examples for the programme facilitators.
Our Staff Wellbeing Toolkit provides you with a range of practical ways you can support your staff to improve personal and team wellbeing, supporting them to be more resilient and manage stress more effectively.
Join nowPractical Wellbeing Workshop delivered by one of our trained and experienced wellbeing coaches.
5 hours of on-demand online training.
Flexible modules you can dip in and out of at any time.
Self-reflective questions to help you apply the training
12 months on-demand access so you can build understanding over time
Training in how to develop resources into team or staff training and CPD sessions.
The programme is part of our Wellbeing Academy online learning platform, this toolkit provides
9 on-demand learning modules.
Over 20 on-demand wellbeing resourses
Growing library of expert-led CPD workshops.
Our practical toolkit provides tools and positive psychology and occupational psychology resources to help manage stress and develop wellbeing.
The resources are downloadable for you to use with individuals or teams
Resources include coaching activities, audit tools, evaluation instruments and recommended staff wellbeing signposting and links
How to change unhelpful thinking associated with stress.
How to work together more effectively as a team to facilitate the development of wellbeing.
How to develop awareness of individual and team strengths.
How to emotions help you maintain levels of wellbeing.
Personal wellbeing action plans.
This programme also provides you with access to our Wellbeing Academy drop-in calls every half term. These drop-in calls can be used flexibly:
Support your senior Mental Health Lead Develop staff wellbeing.
Plan and gain feedback, help and ideas to apply the practical wellbeing resources in your school.
Support and advice to help you overcome any specific staff wellbeing issues in your school.
Gain access and contribute to our inspiring library of case studies from other schools and settings.
Practice examples provide a valuable opportunity to learn from other schools or settings using our programmes and approach.
Use the ideas from practice examples to inspire you as you develop mental health and wellbeing in your school.
Gain immediate access to examples and advice from other Senior Mental Health Leads and school leaders.
Keep us updated as wellbeing evolves in your school or setting and becomes an integral part of your school/setting’s staff wellbeing culture and ethos.
You can share the wellbeing impact you are making to the School Spotlight Sessions, making a valuable contribution to the library of examples.
Participating in practice examples can be used as evidence for any school mental health and wellbeing award you may be completing. It also demonstrates leadership beyond your own setting, part of becoming an advanced practitioner.
Click on the module accordions below to discover the flexible online earning you will access as part of
the Staff Wellbeing Toolkit.
Your 12-month access to the staff Wellbeing Toolkit also provides you will access to our growing library of staff wellbeing CPD sessions led by psychologists, guest experts and industry leaders.
Supporting your team to maintain levels of wellbeing during challenging times and constant change can be difficult. Poor staff wellbeing can result in performance issues, staff absence and negatively impact on children’s learning, achievement, and wellbeing. Staff need to feel able to take responsibility for their own wellbeing while also feeling supported by their school or school leaders.
The Staff Wellbeing Toolkit programme provides an opportunity to support your team to develop evidence-based wellbeing strategies that they can apply individually or as a team.
Schools or settings that want to:
Support staff and teacher wellbeing and make a commitment as a school to be able to do this.
Make wellbeing part of the way they support staff and teachers.
Embed wellbeing into their whole school ethos.
Enable staff to improve their own levels of wellbeing to increase capacity to support pupils with theirs.
Schools or settings that:
Are looking for a quick fix.
Do not have a supportive leadership team who are willing to make staff wellbeing part of their school ethos.
Expect one person to develop whole school wellbeing on their own, without providing any time or support for them to be able to it.
Blame individuals for not being resilient enough to cope.
See staff wellbeing as a tick box or an add-on they need to be seen to be doing.
Learn how to develop practical and sustainable approaches to staff and school wellbeing.
Join our Staff Wellbeing Toolkit by simply choosing your payment option below.
12 months access to:
Staff Wellbeing Toolkit (5hrs)
Library of online CPD workshops by psychologist and guest experts
Regular new guest expert workshops
Over 20 staff wellbeing tools and resources
Stress management tools
Evidence based Wellbeing resources
Planners and audit tools
Policy example templates
Half termly hotline drop-in in calls
Peer network of other wellbeing leads
Online coaching
Examples of effective practice from other schools
12 months access to EVERYTHING at the Starting tier PLUS pupil and school wellbeing resources and training
Wellbeing Curriculum Toolkit (5hrs)
Staff Development Toolkit (3hrs)
Understanding Monitoring and Evaluation (2hrs)
Mental health and wellbeing CPD library
Over 30 downloadable wellbeing curriculum resources for pupils
6 Train-the trainer staff development resources to support pupil mental health
Pupil wellbeing Posters
1-2-1 welcome coaching call
12 months access to EVERYTHING at the Starting and developing tier PLUS whole school resources and training
Eligible for DfE SMHL funding
Introduction to the Role of SMHL (1.5hrs)
SMHL Wellbeing Pathway Course (9hrs)
Parent Toolkit (3hrs)
Introduction to coaching young people (2hrs)
Whole school wellbeing review tools, planners and trackers
Wellbeing curriculum audit tools
School wellbeing evaluation tools
Teaching resources, workshops and schemes of work
Activities to support parent and carers support their child’s wellbeing
Introductory coaching resources
2 x 30 minute personalised leadership coaching calls
If you need further information about this programme, please contact us via the form below for a swift response.
The staff wellbeing toolkit provides a sutaibale way of adressing teacher stress. Find out what happens when you join the programme.
Schools and other educational settings have a duty to reduce stress and support staff wellbeing but what matters the most?
Our online or on-site Staff Wellbeing Workshop Programme provides teachers and school staff the opportunity to explore their own wellbeing, while gaining strategies that develop positive mental health and reduce stress.
enrol nowYour teachers or school staff are struggling to cope with stress.
The demands of working in a high pressure educational environment is negatively impacting staff performance.
Pressure and stress are impacting on staff's ability to work effectively with others including pupils or students.
Your staff are finding it a challenge to manage or maintain work/life balance.
You have high levels of stress-related staff absence or sickness.
Poor staff wellbeing is having an impact on performance, teaching and learning.
This positive staff wellbeing programme takes a proactive approach to addressing stress within teaching and school staff. Staff will develop a clear understanding of wellbeing and how to build it in themselves and as a team.
Teachers and school staff take part in a group coaching workshops that cove strategies to help prevent burnout, improve work-life balance and build positive peer support, empowering your school staff team to build resilience. This supports teachers and staff to be able to cope with the demands of teaching or working in the school environment, even during times of change and uncertainty.
Through learning from the field of positive psychology coaching and work psychology, the workshops help participants to experience and practise wellbeing interventions that can be applied personally, within a staff team or across a school community.
The Staff Wellbeing Programme provides practical group coaching and wellbeing tools that staff can try out as a team. The programme supports your staff to build positive relationships that provide the foundation of wellbeing and help teachers and staff teams get through challenging times by coming together rather than pulling apart.
Through using techniques and strategies proven to build wellbeing, staff will discover and develop an understanding of personal wellbeing and how to build it. These can be taken forward as a team.
Using the occupational, positive psychology and coaching strategies, enable your team to build awareness of stressors and how to reduce their impact and increase wellbeing.
Sharing as a team is the first step to building positive relationships that help manage stress and develop wellbeing. Our programme facilitates conversations that support staff to build wellbeing resources.
Building a foundation of positive relationships, connection and belonging essential for the development of staff, and whole school wellbeing is central to our approach and the support we provide in this programme.
The development of wellbeing strategies and resources shared in this programme help contribute to the reduction of staff burnout and improve work life balance.
Encouraging staff to build wellbeing habits and increase personal responsibility for taking care of their own wellbeing is developed through this programme, and is encouraged beyond the duration of the programme.
Worth-it have been working with schools for over a decade, supporting them to develop staff and whole school wellbeing. We have trained over 4000 school staff in hundreds of schools nationally. We believe in putting staff wellbeing at the heart of any whole school approach to wellbeing and mental health for pupils.
We are passionate about increasing sustainable and embedded capacity for school staff to maintain wellbeing levels, enabling staff to support pupil wellbeing and achievement more effectively. Find out how The Staff Wellbeing Pathway meets our organisational values...
We believe in providing resources and programmes that create a real and sustainable change. As part of the Staff Wellbeing Pathway we coach your team through several practical positive psychology activities that enable you to support your staff to develop individual and team wellbeing strategies.
Our Staff Wellbeing Pathway has been developed by a team of positive psychologists, work psychologists and wellbeing coaches utilising up-to-date research and applied practice. The progamme will build your awareness of how to support school staff develop personal and collective wellbeing.
The Staff Wellbeing Pathway has evolved from six years of extensive partnership work with schools, teachers, school staff and leaders. We use a coaching approach during our programme to ensure staff collaborate and build positive relationships necessary for wellbeing.
Most importantly, the Staff Wellbeing Programme has been developed with and for school staff, teachers, TAs and school leaders, giving them confidence to develop personal wellbeing strategies to support themselves, each other and team wellbeing.
The design of the programme utilises group coaching: this has been proven to be the most effective form of CPD for wellbeing and performance.
Sharing ideas and advice with others, as a team, builds the foundation of positive relationships necessary to develop staff and teacher wellbeing.
Wellbeing isn’t a one size fits all approach. The wellbeing pathway supports staff to identify their own personalised strategies for wellbeing.
The Staff Wellbeing Programme explicitly covers strategies for stress awareness and management, which builds a bank of wellbeing resources for teachers and school staff.
Staff Wellbeing is integral to a whole school approach. Good staff wellbeing increases schools’ capacity to support children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health more effectively.
Developing trust as a team and the ability to have difficult conversations about wellbeing and stress is significant to any approach to supporting staff wellbeing.
Our whole school system for positive mental health offers a step-by-step process, enabling you to audit, plan and take action in developing your whole school approach. This has been developed from positive psychology, organisational psychology, and practical experience of working with schools for 12 years. Wellbeing is facilitated through interactions and connections – this is why our system framework places staff and teacher wellbeing at the centre of the whole school approach.
By supporting staff wellbeing you are increasing your school’s capacity to support pupil and student wellbeing.
Positive education is the science of wellbeing applied in educational settings.
Worth-it are a leading provider of Positive Education in the UK. We base all our programmes on the SEARCH Pathways to Wellbeing (Waters and Loton 2019). SEARCH provides a proven and evidence-based framework that supports schools to plan, implement, develop and embed sustainable approaches to developing whole school wellbeing.
Like our programmes for children and young people, the Staff Wellbeing Programme is also based on the SEARCH framework, contributing to a shared framework for developing staff and pupil wellbeing across the school setting.
Coaching psychology is the evidence-based approach to using coaching to improve wellbeing, performance, and success. Coaching has been proven to be the most effective leadership and development tool within the education sector.
Coaching has been demonstrated by many psychology researchers to be the most effective form of CPD for the development of staff wellbeing, stress management and performance.
CEO & Founder
Liz is the CEO, Founder and Creative Director at Worth-it and is a leading Positive Psychologist and Educator. She has been developing evidence-based, co-produced early prevention programmes for young people within schools, the NHS and local authorities for over 13 years.
Based in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, Hannah originally worked with looked-after children in residential settings before qualifying as a teacher. Now a highly experienced teacher of A-level Psychology, Hannah is passionate about positive psychology, people and education.
Not only does our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme provide your school or setting with everything needed to deliver the programme, year after year, it also provides ongoing support and practical examples for the programme facilitators.
Our Staff Wellbeing Coaching Programme provides you with time and space to think about practical ways your staff can improve personal and team wellbeing, supporting them to be more resilient and manage stress more effectively.
enrol NowPractical Wellbeing Workshop delivered by one of our trained and experienced wellbeing coaches.
How to manage stress.
Ways to prevent burnout.
Strategies to develop resilience and personal wellbeing.
The importance of positive peer relationships for wellbeing.
Ways to develop improved work-life balance.
Group Coaching workshops can be delivered as either:
2 x 90-minute twilight online workshops
1 x 3-hour online workshop
1 x 3-hour on site workshop*
Team size is up to 30, additional delegates may be added at check out.
* Additional costs incurred for travel
Our practical workshop provides tools and positive psychology resources to help manage stress and develop wellbeing.
The resources are downloaded by your team in advance of the session by accessing the Staff Wellbeing Pathway inside our academy.
Staff can also download CPD certificate once the coaching workshops are completed.
How to change unhelpful thinking associated with stress.
How to work together more effectively as a team to facilitate the development of wellbeing.
How to develop awareness of individual and team strengths.
How to emotions help you maintain levels of wellbeing.
Personal wellbeing action plans.
This programme also provides you with a 90 minute follow up coaching session. This session can be used flexibly to:
Support your senior Mental Health Lead Develop staff wellbeing.
Continue to build on the group coaching workshops to support staff wellbeing.
Support your team of staff wellbeing champions who will tack staff wellbeing forwards in you school.
Staff Wellbeing Workshop Programme
If you’re ready to support your staff team and teachers to develop wellbeing then enrol today!
Are you a Health or Local Authority Commissioner, Organisation or Multi-Academy Trust looking to offer this service to 5 or more schools?
Access to Staff Wellbeing Resources and Coaching for a Team of 30
3 hours of group coaching Support*
Team wellbeing strategies
Personal wellbeing resources
Team building
Attendance certificates
Follow up support
Add further delegates at check out
Supporting your team to maintain levels of wellbeing during challenging times and constant change can be difficult. Poor staff wellbeing can result in performance issues, staff absence and negatively impact on children’s learning, achievement, and wellbeing. Staff need to feel able to take responsibility for their own wellbeing while also feeling supported by their school or school leaders.
The Staff Wellbeing Pathway programme provides an opportunity to support your team to develop evidence-based wellbeing strategies that they can apply individually or as a team.
Schools or settings that want to:
Support staff and teacher wellbeing and make a commitment as a school to be able to do this.
Make wellbeing part of the way they support staff and teachers.
Embed wellbeing into their whole school ethos.
Enable staff to improve their own levels of wellbeing to increase capacity to support pupils with theirs.
Schools or settings that:
Are looking for a quick fix.
Do not have a supportive leadership team who are willing to make staff wellbeing part of their school ethos.
Expect one person to develop whole school wellbeing on their own, without providing any time or support for them to be able to it.
Blame individuals for not being resilient enough to cope.
See staff wellbeing as a tick box or an add-on they need to be seen to be doing.
If you feel ready to support your staff team to develop wellbeing, enrol today.
Are you a Health or Local Authority Commissioner, Organisation or Multi-Academy Trust looking to offer this service to 5 or more schools?
Access to Staff Wellbeing Resources and Coaching for a Team of 30
3 hours of group coaching Support*
Team wellbeing strategies
Personal wellbeing resources
Team building
Attendance certificates
Follow up support
Add further delegates at check out
If you need further information about this programme, please contact us via the form below for a swift response.
The staff wellbeing toolkit provides a sutaibale way of adressing teacher stress. Find out what happens when you join the programme.
Schools and other educational settings have a duty to reduce stress and support staff wellbeing but what matters the most?